Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Move That Block is there for Life’s Biggest Decisions.  100% Free to Post and Search with No Restricted Areas and No Premium memberships, this Groundbreaking website offers professional quality, one-stop shopping for categories only before found on single category, pay to post sites.  Users find our custom features in an easy to use format allowing simple searching or posting in an uncluttered environment with categories including: jobs, dating, commercial real estate, residential real estate, apartments & home rentals, vacation rentals, and new categories under development.  We offer personal, step by step guidance through life’s most difficult decisions providing experts in each step of the process.  From buying a home to landing that dream job or date, we’ve got you covered.  You never have to go it alone.  Welcome to the Block.   

Two former Siena College roommates teamed up to change the internet.  They immediately added a third partner, then quickly a fourth, and fifth.  They helped create the first company to launch their alma mater’s Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in New York’s Tech Valley.  Students help run the day to day operations of the company in an open environment where everyone contributes.  The company is so committed to innovation and fresh ideas that one student serves on the Executive Management Team by being elected by his or her peers every 6 months.  Students have actively helped develop ideas for new features or methodologies used at today and all meetings are open to all company members.  Ours is a grassroots movement that will potentially topple entire industries of pay to use sites.  We offer more features, better functionality, ease of use, and dynamic cross traffic that no individual pay for use competitor offers their paying users.   

We are a grassroots company poised to topple industry giants that have ruthlessly controlled the Essential Life services segment of the internet since the mid 1990’s.  More features?  Yes.  Better functionality?  No doubt.  No cost? Absolutely.  We may be free, but that is not what makes us better.  We are better because of our commitment to making the lives of our community better.  We do this by helping to guide our community members through life’s biggest decisions.  We are doing what has never been done by those that said it was not possible.  This is not just a movement, this is a revolution…and it will not be televised.